Wednesday, April 23, 2008

John Freshwater


Please read this article before reading to fully understand.

Unfortunately, my prestigious colleague is wrong on a few counts.

1. John Freshwater should NOT be fired for having a bible in class.
a. It is perfectly fine for a teacher to have a bible in class, according to the Constitution.

2. John Freshwater should NOT be fired for providing supplemental material opposing evolution.
a. As long as the standards are being taught there is no reason why Mr. Freshwater should be prevented from providing supplemental material as long as he is teaching it as theory. Evolution is also a theory, no matter what Dawkins says.

3. John Freshwater SHOULD be fired for burning the sign of a cross into his students.
a. This is just ridiculous and disgusting. Fire him, and fire him good.

So, as Mr. Myers said in his blog, fire Freshwater for the RIGHT reason.


Jay McHue said...

How reliable is this story of him burning crosses into students' skin? I find it difficult to believe that he would currently be employed if that had actually happened.

Jay McHue said...

Looks like it's one student accusing him of this "branding" thing. It is an incident that happened a while ago and the school never pursued the claim.